Big Shot Camera Cranes used on ABC's Wipeout TV Show

American Gladiators
Sony Studios in Culver City, California

American Gladiators renewed and Rockin network television is back! Gaetke supplied 3 24' Jimmy JIbs, 1 30' Techno Crane and a Remote Hot Head for over the pool. He was the lead crane operator on the show and had a lot of creative freedom with director Rupert Thompson. Rupert was formally the Director of the NBC hit show Fear Factor which Gaetke also worked on for 6 seasons with his Akea Cranes and Jimmy Jibs.

American Gladiators is going to be a major hit for NBC with hosts Hulk Hogan and Leila Ali bringing a lot to the table with their character. The Gladiators are also bigger and badder then ever. The contestants gave it their all but had many obstacles to overcome before 1 male and 1 female were left standing as champions winning $100.000.00 each and a brand new SUV as well. They will also automatically become Gladiators for the next season and will have reign for that season.

Click here for more information about the show!